Set Sail for Christ

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Have you ever tried to set sail – to step out to do something new – only to find out that something was keeping you anchored in place? Many things keep us anchored.

Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters is a series of short biographical poems about the people who lived in the fictional town, Spoon River.  One of the characters, George Gray, looks back over his life and compares it to “a boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.”  George was offered many opportunities and was hungry to find meaning in his life. He knew he should have left the harbor and set sail in order to fully experience life. However, George was afraid. He feared becoming disillusioned, and he dreaded taking chances. So…George never set sail.  He longed for the sea yet was afraid.

Let’s contrast George Gray with Simon Peter, also a man with a boat. Like his father and brother Andrew, Simon Peter was a fisherman by trade, working on the Lake of Galilee, a really large lake with about 30 fishing towns surround it.  Peter knew fish, he knew boating, he knew about nets and he knew about navigating the waters. Peter knew his passion and used his skill well. He learned his skill, he practiced it. He became good at it. Peter realized what he was good at doing and set sail. 

Are you more like George Gray…fearful to set out in faith and use your gifts and talents for Christ? Or are you like Simon Peter….stepping out in faith using your gifts and talents for Christ?

In the 10 minute audio below I teach 6 lessons that we learn from Simon Peter that will help us set sail for Christ.

Lesson #1: Peter set sail.

Lesson #2:   Peter followed Jesus.

Lesson #3 – Peter let Jesus use him and his tools.

Lesson #4: Peter was all in for Jesus.

Lesson #5 – Peter trusted Jesus in the storm

Lesson #6:  Peter faced his fear and walked on water for Christ
Audio - Set Sail for Christ


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