Feast of Blessings

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I have hosted Christmas Dinner for my family for the last twenty-five years. It’s been a wonderful tradition that I love. I enjoy decorating the tables, coordinating the menu with the family, and creating a festive atmosphere. I get a kick out of creating games and word puzzles for us to experience during and after the meal.

This year was different. Our city experienced a beautiful white Christmas! Because I live in a hilly and curvy part of the city, driving was hazardous. We decided it would be safer for our family to have dinner at my parents’ home instead of mine. My mother and I scrambled to get everything ready and were able to pull off a lovely meal.

When I was able to return home, I saw my beautifully decorated tables ready to receive the family. Food was in the pantry or the refrigerator ready to be consumed. I experienced a melancholy moment. My disappointment can’t compare to the disappointment our Heavenly Father must feel when we don’t show up for the banquet he has spread for us. Jesus offers us a feast of blessings. He wants us to dine at his table and enjoy all the blessings he has in store for us. How many times do we just not show up at his table? Do we miss out on his blessings because we don’t make it to the banquet? Or do we not feast in his kingdom because there are barriers between us and God? Is a past hurt, an unforgiving spirit, a judgmental attitude, or sinful pride keeping you from feasting at his table?

“Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” Luke 14:15.

Let us enjoy all the blessings he has for us by “coming before his presence.”


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